October 2017 Event Schedule
Friday, October 20 • 5-7 PM
On the 50th anniversary of the turn in of 1000 draft cards at the Justice Department, gather at the Pentagon for a commemorative vigil on US responsibility for the legacies of war: land mines, unexploded ordnance, Agent Orange, forced relocations of rural people, and the challenges faced by veterans.
Moderator: Frank Joyce
Song by Peter Yarrow
Dan Ellsberg (statement read by Terry Provance)
Paul Lauter (The Call to Resist Illegitimate Authority and the mass draft card
Bruce Beyer (his card was among the 1000 turned in)
Susan Schnall Veterans For Peace (consequences for US veterans)
Susan Hammond (legacies in Indochina)
Songs by Peter Yarrow
Fundraising dinner at Saigon Saigon: 8 pm
Saturday, October 21 • 9 - 5:15 PM
Western Presbyterian Church • 2401 Virginia Ave NW, Washington, DC
8 am: Registration OpensWelcomes
John McAuliff VPCC, Fund for Reconciliation and Development
Terry Provance VPCC
9 - 10:30: Understanding the Historical Context
What was happening in Vietnam, America, and in the peace movement in 1967.
Moderator Myra McPherson, journalist and author
Dan Ellsberg (by video)Lois Vietri (US Government and international)
Mandy Carter & Robert Levering (Panorama of anti-war movement)
Ton Nu Thi Ninh (former Vietnamese diplomat and National Assembly Member: How anti-war protests contributed to Vietnam's unification and independence)
Boys Who Said NO! 5 minute preview of new film on draft resistance
10:45 - 12:45 • The October 1967 March on the Pentagon
The many moving parts of the demonstration, what actually took place, who was there, and how it moved the antiwar movement from protest to resistance.
Moderator: John McAuliff
Clay Risen (editor of New York Times series on Vietnam War 1967)Susanne (Sue Orrin) Jackson,D.C. Mobilization Coordinator
Mike Lennon (Norman Mailer Society)
Recollections and reflections from 1967 Participants:
- Draft card turn in
- Lincoln Memorial rally
- Song by Peter Yarrow
- March from Lincoln Memorial to Pentagon
- Pentagon Levitation
- Pentagon steps sit-in
- Occoqquan detention center
1 - 2 • Lunch
Option to view portion of new film in progress profiling Robert Scheer2 - 3:30 • Evolution of the Anti-War Movement After 1967
The effect of the multi-faceted peace movement on the war and on US politics, culture and society; the emergence of a GI movement and its relation to civilian activists; legacies of the war.
Moderator Brewster Rhoads
David Cortright Notre Dame University (opposition within the military)Jerry Lembcke (veterans role in the anti war movement, attitudes of civilian
Frank Joyce Detroit activist (panorama of civilian anti-war movement)
Susan Schnall Veterans For Peace [post war legacies in the US)
Susan Hammond War Legacies Project (post war normalization, legacies in
Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia)
3:45 - 5:15 • The PBS Series and Unlearned Lessons
Did the series get the history right and give fair treatment to the role of the anti-war movement? What lessons were conveyed for current and future US military conflicts and opposition to them?
Moderator: Ira Arlook
Maurice Isserman (Prof of History, Hamilton College)
Bill Zimmerman (anti-war activist featured in the PBS series)Howard Machtinger (Full Disclosure web site, Veterans for Peace)
Le Anh Tu Packard (Vietnamese-American active against the war)
Christopher Koch
John McAuliff VPCC Fund for Reconciliation and Development (Closing
Preparation for walk to Vietnam Wall Memorial:
James Reston, Jr. author (the controversy about the Wall Memorial)
Terry Provance VPCC (thanks, purpose and discipline of the walk)
Saturday, October 21 • 5:30 - 7 PM
Honor and mourn for all victims of the war with Wreath Ceremony and short program.
Rabbi Arthur Waskow
David Cortright
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