October 2017 Event Press Coverage
Media generated by our work around the October 2017 Conference
commemorating the 50th anniversary of the March on the Pentagon
(click titles to read, listen or watch)New York Times
Fifty years ago, tens of thousands of people gathered in Washington to protest the Vietnam War. Here are some of their stories.
The Guardian
They were in the belly of the beast. Marching on the Pentagon, control centre of the world’s most powerful fighting force, protesters against the Vietnam war were confronted by military police (MPs) with rifles pointed directly at their heads....
Washington Post
They’d demonstrated before, thousands of antiwar protesters singing and waving banners and burning draft cards on the Mall in Washington.
Now the organizers for the National Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam wanted to go further — much further.
NPR's Here and Now
Here & Now's Peter O'Dowd spoke with two anti-war activists who watched the PBS film - John McCauliff and Daniel Ellsberg, who leaked the Pentagon Papers, describes his view from inside the Pentagon as protesters marched to the building in 1967.
NPR's Here and Now
Here & Now spoke with Ken Burns & Lynn Novick about their film, and also hear and respond to criticism of the film from former military analyst Daniel Ellsberg.
C-SPAN 3 Broadcast of Morning Panels - Starts Nov 11
The Vietnam Peace Commemoration Committee hosts a symposium on the 50th anniversary of the 1967 March on the Pentagon.
Hamilton College News
Maurice Isserman, the Publius Virgilius Rogers Professor of American History, was recently a participant on a panel at the “From Protesting to Resistance” conference commemorating the 50th anniversary of the March on the Pentagon. The event took place in Washington, D.C., Oct
San Francisco Chronicle - Op Ed by Steve Ladd, VPCC
The PBS series “The Vietnam War” presents a devastating history of the war... but the series falls seriously short in how it portrays the peace movement.
Washington, DC, local media coverage included interviews on WAMU and news segments of the Friday evening Pentagon Vigil on two local TV stations
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