50th Anniversary Mobilization
50th Anniversary of the Vietnam Moratorium and Mobilization Demonstrations
Fall 2019 marked the anniversary of some of the largest and most effective political demonstrations in US history. The protests opposing the Vietnam War in October and November 1969 were organized with the goal of showing broad mainstream support for ending the war. Unknown at the time, the protest actions undermined President Nixon's "madman" threat to dramatically and dangerously escalate the war, possibly even using nuclear weapons.
VPCC worked with others to develop events that bring forward that history and link it to contemporary concerns.
NOVEMBER 11-15, 2019
The Elliott School of International Affairs
George Washington University, Washington, DC
A series of panels, films and other events to educate students and the public about often overlooked aspects of the history of US involvement in Vietnam and the movement that opposed it, with a major focus on the impact that antiwar GIs and veterans had on ending the war.
CONFERENCE DETAILSVPCC organized two events as part of the conference:
November 13, 12-2 PM - The War Comes Home
A panel discussion exploring the significance and impact of the 1969 Moratorium and Mobilization that rallied millions to opposed the war. Hear first hand from people who were there and who organized these protests.
November 15, 6 PM - March Against Death 50th Anniversary
Remember the March 50 years ago with a walk to the White House and candlelight vigil commemorating the millions who died in the Vietnam War.The Moratorium in Muncie
October 11, 2019
Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana, organized the only conference devoted to commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam Moratorium. The program brought together alumni of their demonstration, current students and diverse faculty and community members.
The full day can be seen on line here
The keynote address by leading draft resister David Harris here.
The tone setting talk by the initiator of the program, Mary (Munchel) Posner, is at 20:07 here
To put her remarks in context, look at the substantial NBC Nightly News segment on February 25,1970 portraying anti-war sentiment in the heartland in which she is featured, seen here.
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